Category Archives: Entertainment

Shakespeare comes through

Something very weird happened last night. A strange entity appeared and began transmitting his thoughts to me though George, my human fish-whisperer and trance medium.

And who was this strange entity I hear you collectively ask?

Why none other than the ghost of William Shakespeare himself. (Yes, this blog has attracted attention even in the afterlife!)

Now I must admit to being a little concerned. Shakespeare (aka the Bard) was not how I had imagined him. He seemed worried and very nervous. It appears he had heard how I had demolished that other departed human genius, Einstein and was anxious that now it might be his turn. He begged me to go easy on him.

Of course I assured him that he had nothing to fear since he is a great giant of literature and I am but a humble Siamese fighting fish (although a Zen Master of Street Signs).

He seemed relieved and said “adieu”*.

Unearthly apparition - this blog is haunted by the ghost of Shakespeare.

*”Adieu” – why couldn’t he just have said good-bye, like a normal person. Nobody likes a wanker, Shakespeare.

Hmm, maybe this guy’s got something to hide?

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